

Messages of Appreciation

I was at the Pyramid Conference in Chicago. You were an outstanding speaker as well as a healer! You make a difference in people’s lives! You made a difference in mine! Donna – Chicago USA

Thanks to the session with Rohit, I felt much calmer and finally got rid of the headache that had been bothering me for weeks. A very special experience that I would recommend to everyone. Mariët – The Hague The Netherlands

Thank you very much Rohit, you are great, and you help people. You helped me too, I feel better now. H. – Poland

It’s a great experience that I did not know before, which gave me immense relief and gave me the strength to continue. What a great guy Rohit. Mario – Rotterdam The Netherlands

Three years ago, I was very depressed because of my unexpected divorce. I had so much grief that I almost suicide myself and did not had any motivation left for further life. Till I met Rohit with his Ankh method where my healing began. With no nonsense, Rohit gave me the right insights and the necessary healing. Now, i am fully recovered and I am sure that if I had not met Rohit, I would not be the happy person am now. I am very grateful for his help and recommend anybody to open your heart for this very old, but effective healing method that reach the problems of the troubled soul. Jack – Spain

Mr Rohit helped me and my friends and family. I had years of depression and in the first session everything changed. My mind got clear. I could see what comes from me and what not. He brought me in contact with God and he is truly a wonderful person but the most important his help is really working and life changing. I recommend to try to everyone, he helped my mother, my child i can’t even say with words. You must try it to feel the difference. A. – Poland

For a long time I had been suffering from a blockage in the intestines and pressure on the chest. So much pressure had already decreased after only one Ankh session. I immediately felt the positive energy flowing through my body. The 30 minute meditation phonecalls work wonders. You feel a difference immediately! Anjuli – The Hague The Netherlands

This man came on my path for a special purpose. Rohit is a special, calm friendly angel. He showed me that there is more between Heaven and Earth. I am so thankful to him. Natascha – Wassenaar The Netherlands


Rohit will guide you through meditations where in a short moment you will refind your inner peace and stillness. This can happen in a Personal Meditation, or in a Group Meditation; At a location (real meeting), or online.

Meditation is the art to live in the now, to observe thoughts or events, without being disturbed or controlled by them.

Stress and repetitive thoughts can be caused by many factors, both conscious and subconscious. When you are able to be your authentic Self, you will experience peace and fullfillment, and you feel unity with yourSelf.

But when you can not be your “Real You”, when you feel stuck in life, you will build up tension, dissatisfaction, and even depression. Also traumatic experiences from the past may hinder you in being peaceful and in realizing your higher Calling.

In online meditations Rohit will assist you to release the burden from the past, and to be more in tune with yourSelf.


This quote of Sri Ramana Maharshi, a famous Indian sage, is very true !  Your mind is being programmed by parents, school, enterprises, politics, television, marketing and much more, even by thinking patterns of ancestors. The mind is either stuck in the past or worrying about the future. But are these really your own thoughts ?

Too much worries and excessive thinking leads to sleepless nights and fatigue. Too much accumulated stress also leads to physical tension, demotivation and lack of energy, burn-out.

To prevent this Rohit offers you online meditations:

By offering the online Personal Meditations and the online Group Meditations Rohit assists you releasing burden from mind and body in time, so that you feel Light, happy and peaceful. You will experience a soothing energy, transmitted by Rohit, that calms your mind, and releases tensions.

Many people who have done these meditations with Rohit feel relieved, lighter, happier, and very often sleep better. Physical pains may get less painful or may even stop.

Experience it YourSelf !

Does this resonate with you then please book your Personal Meditation or book a Group Meditation here:

For info please contact:


At the age of 19, Rohit discovered that he had a unique ability to connect with the Divine World and receive guidance on how to bring harmony and balance back into people’s lives. As he grew older, he became more and more determined to use it to benefit others.

He knew that there were so many people out there who were feeling lost, stuck and overwhelmed with many day-to-day issues. He truly believed that he was capable of making a sustained positive shift in their lives.

Rohit knew that he was meant to help others find their balance in life. Besides his professional career in business, IT/Telecom functions and teamleader roles he spent many years learning and practicing different spiritual methods that would help him to do this. He became a meditation teacher, speaker, and spiritual coach, all with the mission to assist people in finding their inner peace and harmony.

Rohit’s work was focused on helping people release their mental, emotional, and karmic/ancestral baggage. He knew that when people were weighed down by these things, it became difficult for them to move forward in life. By working with individuals to overcome these obstacles, he could help them experience a sense of relief and find a renewed sense of purpose.

One by one, people began to seek help from Rohit. Some had lost direction in their lives, some were feeling alone and disconnected, and others were struggling with deep emotional wounds or inherited patterns/energies. Regardless of their situation, Rohit never gave up on any person. He would work tirelessly to help them overcome their struggles and find their way back to a sense of peace and balance.

Over the years, Rohit continued to refine his skills and adapt his approach to meet the unique needs of each individual he worked with. He became known for his ability to create a safe and nurturing space where people could connect with their spiritual selves and find the guidance they needed to move forward.

If you ever find yourself feeling lost or stuck, know that Rohit is always here to help. Whether you reach out for a session or attend one of his speaking engagements, you will find the support and wisdom you need to find your inner balance and move forward in life.

All you have to do is send him a message or book an appointment, and he will help you unlock your full potential and achieve your dreams.


Welcome at Ankh888 (English)

Rohit his mission is to spread knowledge and experiences about Ankh and Pyramid Energy and their benevolent applications. He demonstrates this by assisting people releasing emotional pains, physical pains and karmic inheritances.

Examples of disturbing burden or undesired energies are:

  • Burden from the ancestral family tree (curses, karma, “debt”)
  • Emotions, negative and/or repetitive behaviour of ancestors
  • Negative karmas of ancestors/family
  • Own negative karmas from previous lives
  • Wandering souls
  • Entities (beings with negative/disturbing/sabotaging goals)

This may influence the feelings and behaviour of a person in the present. This may also cause physical problems. Examples are sudden change of behaviour (being influenced), addictions, anxiety/fear/nightmares, panic attacks, depression, sadness, migraine/headaches, and not being able to sleep (insomnia).

Disturbing energies may be present in body, mind, buildings, houses, environment and in family/friends/social context.

By doing Ankh Meditations and Sessions, these disturbing energies and (ancestral) burden can be removed stepwise, and the problems will be reduced. This starts the energetic purification of body and mind (meridians, chakra balancing). Also negative energetic connections will be removed. And the purification of the direct environment (house, rooms) has priority. Depending on the situation, this may happen in one time, or stepwise in some sessions..

For information:

Call or Whatsapp : +31(0)6-4823.1630




    Rohit is a mystical and adventurous traveller focused on spiritual themes, and besides that he also has many experiences of worldly jobs and careers. His motto is to be faithful to your Soul in any circumstances (naturally without harming others), so that a person fulfills his or hers true Soul Mission. His style is short, powerful and practical.

Rohit worked for years as ICT/Telecom projectmanager, teamleader and trainer. He also started successful enterprises, both guided by ratio and his intuition. The year 2011 was a huge turning point for him by a heavy car accident (caused by a person who passed by red light with high speed) and private circumstances.  The spiritual gifts that he was aware of since the age of 19, he now started to actively apply, to be of service for people, assisting them in their process of growth and liberation of traumas.

Rohit lived and travelled in The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland and Portugal. Rohit gave lectures about Ankh energy for audiences in The Netherlands, Chicago (USA) and Ferney-Voltaire (Frankrijk) to build bridges between the mystical and the scientific world. His parents lived in Suriname, his grandfather came from India.

He likes special places such as the Ellora & Ajanta Temples (India), the Visoko Pyramide (Bosnia) and the Basilique de Fourviere (Lyon, France) and recommends everyone to visit such high-spiritual places. Rohit learned about several paths of meditation like Vipassana Silence-meditation (10 daysIndia) and has experience with the powerful benevolent mantras (higher vibrations that harmonize our body aand mind).


“I am thankful for this inspiring life in which so many experiences have led to experiencing Light in several ways. Everything that “I” do is obviously not done by my “I” but by The One who give us all Life, who gave us this Body and the Life Breath (Prana). With that Cosmic Power, with this Cosmic Father and Mother we are One every second of our Life.  I wish for everyone that you may experience that Bliss.

That Light You Are

Tat Tvam Asi

Extraordinary people came to Earth to lead mankind to the path of Light and Truth. These people are called Satgurus in India. “Guru” also means “the one who removes darkness”.

“In the presence of the Satguru Knowledge flourishes, Sorrow diminishes, Joy wells up without any reason (Bliss), Abundance dawns, All talents manifest”. (Anandamayi Ma)

I am thankful that the following Satgurus came on my path, in real or by books/knowledge, and that I learned from them. I wish that everyone may be guided by his or her Satgurus.


  For information:

About what Ankh energy can do for you and

about removing negative energies from houses/buildings.

Call : 06-4823.1630



© 2024-2025 Copyright Ankh888

(c)2024-2025 Ankh888. All rights reserved. All rights on information (site, domainnames, texts, images, photos, logos etc.) published on this site and all underlying pages and/or all other sites of Ankh888 are reserved strictly for Ankh888.

Ankh888 has an idealistic goal to increase awareness of ways of working with Ankh and Ankh-Meditations. Ankh888 makes it possible for interested audiences to experience these benevolent energies themselves.


Welcome to join my Ankh Session Livestreams.

Next livestreams 2024 (free):

  • Wednesday 28 february 2024 – 1.11h EST 0 19.11h NL time
  • Sunday 17 March 2024 – 19h NL time (english spoken)
  • Sunday 31 March 2024 – 19h NL time (english spoken)

Please subscribe to my youtube channel “ANKH888” for details livestreams: